Sunday, 1 July 2012

0 Adobe After Effects CS6 x64Eng/Rus + Set Of Plug-ins (06/2012)

Adobe After Effects CS6 Eng/Rus x64 + Set Of Plug-ins (06/2012)
Adobe After Effects CS6 Eng/Rus x64 + Set Of Plug-ins (06/2012) | 2.73 GB

After Effects CS6 - a set of tools for creating motion graphics and visual effects and video editing and dynamic images, the development of tracks, animatsii.Ispolzuetsya in various areas of television, film, web, graphic design, printing and editing static graphics. There is a mega collection of new versions of plug-ins for After Effects supports CS6.

Includes compilations of popular plug-ins for After Effects - from Boris Continuum Complete 8, DigiEffects Pack, RED GIANT All Suite, Digital Film Tools Pack, RE-Vision Effects AIO, Tiffen DFX Bundles Pack, Zaxwerks.Est description and a cure for every plagina.Podderzhka After Effects CS6, some still go for Premiere Pro and download Photoshop.Speshite mega collection of plug-link separately.

Used in the treatment of footage (color correction, post-production), the creation of commercials, music videos, titles for feature films and television, as well as for many other tasks that require the use of digital video effects.

Thanks to an extensive library of plug-ins developed by third parties, AfterEffects is also used in printing and graphic design for editing static graphics (photographs, images, computer-generated, etc.)

List of plug-ins:

- Boris Continuum Complete 8 for After Effects and Premiere Pro CS6
- DigiEffects Buena Depth Cue 2.5
DigiEffects Damage 2.5
DigiEffects Delirium 2.5
- Digital Film Tools Composite Suite Pro 1.0
Power Matte 2.0.1
Power Stroke 1.0.7 AE
Digital Film Tools zMatte 3.0 AE
- RED GIANT Effects Suite 10.0.1
RED GIANT Keying Suite 11.0
RED GIANT Magic Bullet Suite 11.2.1
RED GIANT Trapcode Suite 11.0.2
- RE-Vision Effects DeNoise 2.1
FieldsKit 3.2
PV Feather 1.6
ReelSmart Motion Blur 4.1
RE-Fill 2.1
RE-Flex 4.1
RE-Map 2.2
Shade Shape 4.1
SmoothKit 3.1
Twixtor 5.1
Video Gogh 3.6
- Tiffen DFX Bundles for Photoshop & After Effects 3.0.9
- Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator PRO 5.0.7 PC
Zaxwerks ProAnimator 5.0.7 PC

Installation instructions:
Run the file Set-up.exe
Select a test period.Sozdat Adobe ID.
Run the adobe-patch.exe. Click "Ratch" find amtlib.dll
Softonic Run.

System requirements:
Intel � Core � 2 Duo or AMD Phenom � II processor; 64-bit support required
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit)
Windows XP / Vista (64 bit)
4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
3GB of available hard-disk space; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
cache (10GB recommended)
1280x900 display



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